Whenever we are more mindful in our life it gives us the opportunity to be consciously present in that situation or relationship, to notice our feelings and thoughts and the freedom to be non-judgemental of them.
Communication is the key to a successful marriage and the ability to communicate without criticism or judgment is vital when we want to say something that we really want our partner to listen to. When I use the word listen what I mean is that they listen to understand us, not just to respond or get their point across.
Mindfulness gives us the ability to separate our emotions and our thoughts and to choose to connect to our spouse on an emotional level – using empathy and compassion so that the connection stays strong. We often rush through our day, missing opportunities to connect – waking up in the morning, taking the time to call or send a message during the day and being present when we meet again in the evening. It doesn’t take more time, just a conscious decision to be present even for a few minutes rather than distracted by the children, the dog, our phones or the other numerous things in our lives.
Many couples find the connection drifts when they have children and this can lead to resentment, loneliness and a feeling that neither really understands what the other’s life is like. Taking time on a regular basis for small and larger connections – an embrace in the morning (even if it’s around the children!) date night, a walk together, talking without the distraction of technology, sharing new experiences. All of these things help us to remember why we loved that person in the first place and to look for those things, consciously every day.
Read More: Be Your Own Beautiful
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